Exclusively for Beauty, Health + Wellness BrandS Looking to Get More Consistent Sales

5 Days to Growing Your Iconic Beauty Brand (and Having Your Most Profitable Holiday Season Ever)

Learn my best-kept secrets for positioning your brand as the top pick for holiday season, and every season, whether in media, on store shelves, or online – even during the busiest season of the year.


When You Join Today, You’ll Get:


Our cult-status brand framework that we use to take brands from start-up to 7 figures and beyond. 

5 Days of Live Training + Call Replays that will help you position your brand to become a category leader.

A workbook with exercises to pull out and refine your unique positioning, story, hero product, visibility and more.

Access to private challenge Facebook group where you can connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.

An opportunity to submit your challenge homework for an audio review by Aggie.

5 chances to win bonuses like our favorite entrepreneur book bundle or our 30-page beauty resource guidebook.

 Spots Are Limited, Secure Yours Now



This isn't your typical, vague "growth hacks" challenge. You'll leave with concrete steps to transform your business into an industry powerhouse even if you're starting from scatch or feel overwhelmed with all the things you've been *trying* to do to break through the digital noise. 

Live Challenge Starts
September 16, 2024!

Ticket Price: $37.00


Here's what you will IMPLEMENT:

Hone in on Your Ideal Customer

The Riches are in the niches

6 Positioning shifts to uncover your beauty brand x-Factor

Hook the market with your *HOLIDAY* hero product

Sell with story

Define your customer pain point (or desire!) so that you can lean into a marketing strategy that makes it easier to pull in your ideal customer to your brand even during the busy (and crowded) holiday season.

It’s time to stop being the brand that is everything to everyone (ie. nothing to no one). In Day 2 we workshop your unique brand category and how to leverage it to create a stronger brand presence and make more consistent sales.

Learn my 6 brand strategy shift framework that will help you launch with momentum, grow with community and scale with brand loyalty. Discover how to hone in on what sets your beauty brand apart — and my favorite brand strategies to help catapult your brand to beauty industry stardom.

Capture a new audience with your giftable product. Leverage your *holiday* hero product to get in front of a new customer based, land *retail* partners and attract media opportunities, without having to invest in neverending inventory.

On Day 5, we will help you identify your holiday brand story and how to use it to pull current and *new* customers in for wider visibility and more consistent sales.

Does this sound familiar?

"The Beauty industry is so crowded, can I even breakthrough when I'm working Against Brands that have Bigger REsources than I?"

Think you need a Gagillion Dollars in Backing to Throw Money at Ads and Agencies in order to "Make It?"

Think again.

There is space for your iconic beauty brand. The riches are in the niches, my friend.

You can elevate your brand to be in a class of its own and break through the noise.

This is what separates the want-preneurs from the real deals.

It’s also the one area that trips up most entrepreneurs (no matter what stage they’re at)…even those that think they’ve figured out their positioning.

Because it can be so hard to get through the mental hurdle that you might be leaving customers behind if you niche down or refine your focus…especially if you haven’t hit your target sales goals to begin with.

Reality is though,

when we try to be everything to everyone it leads to costly mistakes like:

Building a brand with generic messaging that frankly, comes off as vanilla at best...no one is shaking their best friend being like, “you have to try this!!!”

Creating product after product in order to reach a wider audience, which ultimately drains energy and resources and leaves you stuck with burdensome inventory.

Wasting months trying to win at the wrong distribution strategy even if it's the most "popular" one when the right one for your customers was right in front of you.

Feeling like a rabid squirrel jumping from one marketing strategy to the next, never seeing the best results you'd like from any of them.

Throwing money at seemingly instant solutions like ads that only bring in one-and-done customers.


When you position your brand as a category of one, changes in the economy, political and global events, and beauty trends just don’t matter.

It also means you’re not leaving money on the table trying to reach the masses with MORE outreach and MORE ads and MORE money.

Because you now have an offer that your customers view at a premium value instead of as a commodity.

Creating a stronger category yields more sales. Period.

Positioning your brand as a category leader is the secret sauce that helps indie brands go further, faster no matter your limitations of time, funding, skills or connections.

I'm here to teach you how to define your unique category to yield more sales, impact, and status…even if you’ve been doing your thing for a hot minute and have seen some success (trust me, there’s more to be had).

And when you own a category, you play in the league with brands that sell out at Sephora, get featured on podcasts like How I Built This, and are in demand for an acquisition.

Ready to refine your focus and take your brand from commodity to cult status?


Here's a behind-the-scenes look of what you can expECT in this CHALLENGE


Hello there.

I'm Aggie.

I’m a PR and Marketing Consultant and Founder of AB Creative, a consulting and education platform that helps build cult status beauty brands.

In short, I love breaking the rules and believe that in order for your brand to be top of mind, you need to challenge the status quo in your niche.

I also believe that every brand and brand founder has a unique story that when uncovered, will allow their business to explode.

I don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk. After building and growing an award-winning fragrance brand—sold worldwide and in retailers like Sephora, Four Seasons Hotel, Fenwick Department Store, airports nationwide and our namesake brick-and-mortar store in Brooklyn and a pop-up in Soho, I guess you can say I know a thing or two about the unique challenges your business faces.

I’ve also consulted with over 100 iconic beauty brands like Mented Cosmetics, Arcona, Glamlite, Mun, ScentBird, Kahina Giving Beauty, Parfums de Marly and more counting successes ranging from big-box retail partnerships, celebrity customers, national media placements, multi-million dollar exits, and everything in between.

I attribute that understanding to the authentic and guerilla strategies I employ in helping your brand get noticed and gain loyal customers.

I help beauty brands uncover their unique angle and turn it into brand sales, credibility, and status.

You and your brand deserve to be seen and heard. Isn’t it time to stop playing safe and start breaking some rules?

They Did It.

So Can You.

Ready to powerfully position your brand and make consistent sales?



What is the time commitment?

What is the time commitment?

We’ll meet for 5 days in a row for 60-90 minutes each day at 12pm EST, with time for Q+A at the end of each live session. You’ll also have access to the recordings in our Facebook Group for one week, so you can watch when it suits your schedule. If you’d like to have access to the recordings for longer, we have an extended replay option with our VIP Experience.

Why now?

Why now?

As we head into the busy holiday season, there’s no better time to get crystal clear on your positioning so you can own your category and stand out from the crowd. This is the time you want to take full ownership of what you’re known for so you can have record-breaking sales during the holiday season and consistent sales coming in throughout the year. 

Is this really live?

Is this really live?

Yes! I (Aggie) will be workshopping with you in a group setting for 5 days live! I love running this fan-favorite challenge live because I get to engage and interact with you, answer questions, give you feedback on homework, and more…all live!

What if I need more time with you?

What if I need more time with you?

Join us in the VIP Experience! I’ll be hosting a small group coaching session where we can go deeper into your particular brand, project, or product, and dive into your questions with more detail.

Who is this best for?

Who is this best for?

This is exclusively for beauty, health and wellness brand product founders, those who work for beauty, health or wellness businesses or those who sell them. That includes products like makeup, skincare, candles, fragrances, ingestibles, tools, soaps, body care, wellness teas/products, vitamins, essential oils, haircare and more. If you're a re-seller of beauty, health or wellness products, this will help you too. 

This challenge is great both for those that are pre-launch or just launched and looking to gain more momentum and refine their brand story and marketing strategy AND also for brands that are established who may have plateaued or want to reach that next revenue milestone and know they may need to rework their positioning, messaging or visibility strategy in order to get there.

Can I participate even if I´m pre-launch?

Can I participate even if I´m pre-launch?

Absolutely, in fact, we encourage you to work on the foundations of brand positioning, messaging and owning a category to make it significantly easier to break through the noise once you are ready to launch. This will also help clarify the direction you want to take in your formulations or the type of products you launch with first.  

When you have a clear POV (which is what we'll be working on in the challenge), it makes standing out easier and more cost-effective, especially for bootstrapping brands. 

Will there be replays?

Will there be replays?

Yes, replays will be available immediately after each day's live session. They will be available through September 22nd. If you want extended access to the replays, you can upgrade to the VIP Path. 


Ready to grow an iconic brand that breaks through the holiday noise?

Hurry! Registration closes in...

When You Join Today, You’ll Get:


Our cult-status brand framework that we use to take brands from start-up to 7 figures and beyond. 

5 Days of Live Training + Call Replays that will help you position your brand to become a category leader.

A workbook with exercises to pull out and refine your unique positioning, story, hero product, visibility and more.

Access to private challenge Facebook group where you can connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.

An opportunity to submit your challenge homework for an audio review by Aggie.

BONUS: 5 chances to win bonuses like our favorite entrepreneur book bundle or our 30-page beauty resource guidebook.

Spots Are Limited, Secure Yours Now